The pharmaceutical company is joining the Global Chagas Disease Coalition to help improve access to diagnosis and treatment for people suffering from Chagas. Additionally, Novartis has announced the launch of a multinational study in people suffering from the Neglected Tropical Disease.
Chagas disease, also known as American trypanosomiasis, affects over a six million people worldwide. The Neglected Tropical Disease is transmitted through the bite of a bug (Trypanosoma cruzi) and can lead to intestinal complications and chronic heart failures. The WHO estimates that Chagas disease causes approximately 12 000 deaths annually. Novartis, a member of SANTD, has recently joined the Global Chagas Disease Coalition to increase its commitment to the fight against Chagas. The company has also announced its commitment to launch a study to assess if people suffering from Chagas could benefit from a heart failure drug produced by the pharmaceutical company.
Follow this link to the press release published by Novartis.