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Vergangene Veranstaltungen

Coalition for Operational Research on NTDs (COR-NTD)

COR-NTD meets formally each year with participation from researchers, the World Health Organization, country program managers, implementers, and donors. Working groups comprised of NTD experts from a wide range of backgrounds conduct discussions at COR-NTD meetings throughout the year on key themes, providing important guidance on the NTD research agenda.

2nd LEAP Scientific Conference

Scientific innovation and access for leishmaniasis management.  The LEAP Conference brings together scientists, researchers, policy makers, public health practitioners and civil society to discuss the diagnosis, treatment, prevention, control, and elimination of leishmaniasis.  

European Congress on Tropical Medicine and International Health (ECTMIH)

The aim of ECTMIH is to provide an arena for scientists, experts, policy makers and practitioners to share research, ideas, developments and breakthroughs in the field of global health. The main objective of ECTMIH 2021 is to explore global challenges in health, migration and equity. Through plenaries, scientific sessions, workshops, and symposium this year’s conference will focus on the tracks listed below.