Vorstand und Sekretariat

SANTD wird von einem von den Mitgliedern gewählten Vorstand und einem Sekretariat gelenkt. Der Vorstand bringt Anspruchsgruppen aus NGOs, Bildung sowie öffentlichen und privaten Organisationen zusammen. Die Vorstandsmitglieder üben ihre Funktion ehrenamtlich aus.

Vice Chair

Matthew Harold

Head of External Affairs and Strategic Partnerships, Global Health and Sustainability, Novartis

Member of the Executive Board

Helen Bokea

Head of Neglected Disease Programmes, Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics FIND

Member of the Executive Board

Marianne Mouly

Senior External Relations Manager, Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative DNDi

Member of the Executive Board

Béatrice Gréco

Head of Research, Development and Access, Merck Global Health Institute

Member of the Executive Board

Peter Steinmann

Epidemiologist , Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute

Member of the Executive Board

René Stäheli

President Medicus Mundi Schweiz

Lepra Mission
Swiss TPH
Uni Bern