President Medicus Mundi Schweiz
About us
Millions of people are disabled, stigmatized and excluded from school or work as a result of Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs). NTDs are responsible for more than 6 million deaths each year. However, the existence of NTDs is almost unknown to the Swiss public. To take the fight against NTDs to the next level, Switzerland needs to become aware of their existence.
The “Swiss Alliance against Neglected Tropical Diseases” (SANTD) is committed to facilitate that: 14 members, including 10 organizations, have united to form an NTD network. The broad range of diverse Swiss institutions includes NGOs, educational and research institutes and pharmaceutical companies. Together, we pursue our vision of a world free from NTDs and aim to lessen the global burden of these diseases.
The Network
As an overarching goal, SANTD aims to increase the visibility of Neglected Tropical Diseases in Switzerland. By raising awareness for the challenge of these diseases, SANTD hopes to encourage Switzerland to support the fight against NTDs with the necessary funds and resources.
Through activities such as advocacy, fundraising, and campaigning, SANTD assists its members with the development of new and user-friendly drugs, diagnostic tests and interventions. SANTD is dedicated to overcoming the considerable investment gap in the fields of research, intervention, and education.
Additionally, SANTD will use existing and new synergies between these fields to foster collaborations within and outside of the network. Through a continuous exchange of knowledge and expertise, SANTD enables its members to discover opportunities for partnerships.
With the motto of ‘Leaving no one behind,’ the United Nations promotes its sustainable development goals (SDGs). Yet these can only be achieved if the billion people worldwide that suffer from Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) do indeed receive the support that they need and do not get left behind. The Swiss Alliance against Neglected Tropical Diseases (SANTD) stands for the Swiss commitment to achieve this goal. SANTD is committed to create a stronger, more visible and better-resourced Swiss answer to the global challenge of neglected tropical diseases
No one should have to deal with Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) as part of their daily life. But over a billion people still do. Together, we can change that and remove the “N” from “NTDs”.
Ending the Neglect of Tropical Diseases
Board & Secretariat
The activities of SANTD are being coordinated by an Executive Board and a secretariat. The Board is elected by the General Assembly and works on a voluntary basis. The members of the board represent stakeholders from academic, NGO, private, PDPs and public organizations.
Member of the Executive Board
Tania Séverin
Executive Secretary, Swiss Malaria Group
Member of the Executive Board
Rachel Tisseuil
Senior External Relations Manager, Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative DNDi
Member of the Executive Board
Helen Bokea
Head of Neglected Disease Programmes, Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics FIND
Member of the Executive Board
Lutz Hegemann
Chief Operating Officer, Global Health, Novartis
Member of the Executive Board
Peter Steinmann
Epidemiologist , Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute
Member of the Executive Board
Béatrice Gréco
Head of Research, Development and Access, Merck Global Health Institute
Executive Secretary
Sarah Traoré
Executive Secretary, SANTD
Member of the Executive Board
Lorenz Indermühle
CEO, Fairmed
Governance & Funding
The Swiss Alliance against Neglected Tropical Diseases SANTD is a non-profit association governed by Articles 60 et seq. of the Swiss Civil Code. It is politically neutral and non-denominational. Any Swiss organization or individual working within the field of NTDs can apply for membership.
As an association, SANTD includes the following organs: a General Assembly, an Executive Board, and an Auditor. Additionally, the activities of SANTD are being coordinated by a Secretariat. The secretariat is currently being hosted by one of SANTD’s members, the health NGO FAIRMED. The Executive Board of SANTD comprises of seven members elected by the General Assembly for a term of three years, renewable once. The Board represents stakeholders from academic, NGO, private, PDPs and public organizations. The members of the Board work on a voluntary basis.
SANTD’s core costs and activities are financed through membership contributions. The main criteria for the tiers-based finance model are the annual revenue and the type of organizational structure.